  • 10 December 2024
  • Eindhoven
  • DAF Trucks N.V.

DAF reveals new ‘Construction Simulator’ game

Launch of New Generation DAF construction vehicles in popular PC/XBOX/PS-game

DAF Trucks and software developer Weltenbauer are introducing New Generation DAF construction XDC and XFC 6x4 trucks and the heavy-duty New Generation DAF XG+ 8x4 FTM to the highly popular ‘Construction Simulator’ game. Players worldwide can now experience driving DAF’s groundbreaking construction trucks on their PC, XBOX and Playstation.

Driving sturdy DAF trucks in Construction Simulator game
The New Generation DAF construction trucks and XG+ 8x4 FTM are now available in ‘Construction Simulator’

Every single moment of the day, several thousands of gamers worldwide play ‘Construction Simulator’. The video game, published by astragon Entertainment, allows players to operate various construction vehicles and equipment to complete construction projects in a variety of environments.

The trucks featured in the game exhibit the same innovative characteristics as their robust real-life counterparts. Players can, for instance, experience both direct and indirect vision of the New Generation DAF trucks, while experiencing the advanced digital cameras.

Driving DAF trucks yourself online

The New Generation DAF XDC, XFC and XG+ 6x4 and 8x4 construction and heavy-duty trucks are incorporated in the Construction Simulator for all major gaming platforms as from December 10, 2024.

More information and the game - available for PC, Xbox, and PlayStation.



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Rutger Kerstiens
Corporate Communications Department

Tel:+31 (0)40 214 2874 


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Rutger Kerstiens