About PACCAR Financial
Dedicated to transport
With 50 years of experience you can count on a professional organisation to finance your vehicles. As part of DAF Trucks N.V., we are exclusively dedicated to the transport industry, and understand both your business and financial needs.
As the in-house finance company of DAF Trucks N.V., we are the principal financer of DAF trucks, new and used. Based on our knowledge and experience of the transport industry, we are able to offer you professionally structured solutions and an extensive range of competitive financing options. That’s why we finance more DAF trucks than anyone else.
Because PACCAR Financial is exclusively committed to the transport industry, we aim to understand the needs of your business and provide flexible solutions.
As members of the Finance and Leasing Association you can be assured of the highest professional standards and complete integrity in all our dealings with you.



Financed trucks
Why PACCAR Financial
- In-house finance company of DAF Trucks: together with DAF, we are a division of PACCAR Inc., we guaranty you reliability and trustworthiness in handling your finance request.
- Over 50 years of experience and dedicated to the transport industry: we know the transport business and we know the truck business.
- One-stop-shop - easy and simple: we can ease your administrative burden by being your single source for vehicle finance, R&M, insurance and other additional services.*
- Professional organisation: we can give you prompt feedback on your credit status and professional and customised product offerings.
- Expertise of the trucking industry: in addition to financing new DAF trucks, we also finance your used truck, trailer and body. We know what is driving your business and can offer you a large range of flexible solutions.
- Pan-European organisation: because we are present in many European countries, we can, depending on local legislation, help you finance your international fleet, even if you register in more than one country. We are there where you need us, with local knowledge.
* dependant on local legislation
A strong international network
These days, the transport industry is internationally orientated, so you should expect your finance company to also have an international focus. Undoubtedly, you want to discuss your business in your own language and since financing transport assets is very often influenced by local legislation, you expect a tailor-made solution, adjusted to your specific situation. That is why PACCAR Financial is able to offer you high quality local support in many countries of.
Contact PACCAR Financial
We market our financial products and services from our headquarters, located centrally in the UK at premises shared with DAF Trucks Limited. If you want to know what PACCAR Financial can do for you, our Sales Support Team will be pleased to answer all your questions.
For financing programs outside Europe, please contact our colleagues at PACCAR Financial in the U.S