Strong performance for DAF in 2019
Second largest market share in company history
2019 was a good year for DAF Trucks. Its market share of 16.2% in the heavy-duty (16+ tonne) segment puts DAF in the Top 3 of largest truck manufacturers in Europe. DAF’s share of the market in the light segment grew from 9.0% to 9.7%. “Our first-class trucks and services, combined with an excellent dealer network, put us in a strong position to achieve further growth,” according to Harry Wolters, president of DAF Trucks.
In 2019, the European truck market for the 16+ tonne segment totalled 320,000 trucks, more or less the same number as the year before. “The European economy was strong last year, which led to a high demand for transport, including new trucks,” says Harry Wolters. “Our market share of 16.2% in the heavy segment is the second highest in the history of DAF.”
Market leader in 6 European countries
DAF continued as the market leader in the heavy segment in the Netherlands (31.8%), the UK (29.4%), Poland (22.0%) and Hungary (23.8%). The Dutch truck manufacturer also gained market leadership in 2019 in Belgium and Luxembourg (19.4%) and Bulgaria (23.6%). In the Czech Republic, Lithuania and Greece, DAF was number one in heavy tractors, while in France, the second largest truck market in Europe, it was the most popular imported tractor brand.
Significantly larger market share in 6-16 tonne segment
The European market for medium-duty trucks (6-16 tonne) grew from 51,900 to over 53,600 units last year. DAF’s market share rose to 9.7% (2018: 9.0%). DAF is the market leader in the medium-duty segment in the UK (34.8%) and the biggest-selling European brand in Ireland (19.1%).
UK market leader for 25 years
In the UK specifically, where the market is traditionally segmented above 6.0 tonnes GVW, DAF posted its largest ever share in 2019 with 30.5% – up from 27.2% in 2018 and out-performing the company’s previous high of 30.1% in 2016. The record-breaking share equates to 14,814 DAF registrations in 2019 – the highest volume for any manufacturer since 1988. 2019 marks the 25th year in succession that DAF has led the market in the UK.
Further growth outside Europe
DAF sold 7,900 trucks outside Europe. The company introduced the new generation of Euro 5 and Euro 6 trucks to Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Latin America, Australia and New Zealand. In Taiwan, DAF remained the market leader amongst European brands in the heavy segment. In South Africa, sales rose by more than 20%, whilst in Bayswater, Australia, production of the versatile DAF CF commenced in the factory of parent company PACCAR. DAF also sold more than 3,000 PACCAR engines to leading manufacturers of coaches, buses and specialised vehicles all over the world.
‘Record after record’
“In 2019, we sold a record number of DAF MultiSupport Repair and Maintenance contracts, supplied a record number of clients with the DAF Connect online fleet management system, and delivered a record number of DAF Used Trucks to their new owners,” says Richard Zink, member of the Board of Management with responsibility for Marketing and Sales. “There certainly is no shortage of ambition, and that is why we are working together with our dealers to strategically expand our network of over 1,100 professional dealers and service points. Last year, for example, we opened our own dealership just north of Paris, whilst our independent dealers opened a total of 50 new dealerships in Europe, South America, Asia and Africa.”
Ready to grow further
In 2019, DAF produced 52,746 CF and XF Series trucks and 11,344 LF Series vehicles. “European truck demand remains strong due to steady European economic growth,” according to Harry Wolters. “We expect 2020 to be another good year for the European commercial vehicle market, but down on 2019, and in the range of 260,000 - 290,000 trucks. And we are ready to grow further, too – the market values, the reliability, low operational costs and high level of driver comfort of our fantastic trucks. Furthermore, our comprehensive range of tractors and vocational trucks offers tailor-made solutions for all transport requirements.”
Press Contacts
Are you a journalist? Contact us for more information about the company, our products and services or any other subject.
Rutger Kerstiens
Corporate Communications Department
Tel: +31 (0)40 214 4191
E-mail: rutger.kerstiens@daftrucks.com
Phil Moon
DAF Trucks Ltd.
T: 07802 612172
M: philip.moon@daftrucks.com